National Eviction Team

The National Eviction Team are protester, squatter and traveller removal experts. They were formed in 1995 and are part of High Court Enforcement Group.
Strong track record
The National Eviction Team has dealt with, and continues to deal with, more evictions of trespassers, unwanted environmental protesters and squatters than anyone else in the country. We have a very large workforce, enabling us to manage even the largest of environmental protests on national infrastructure sites.
We consistently meet and exceed our deadlines to provide our clients with the safe and effective removal of trespassers and protesters and to ensure the security of the site afterwards to prevent recurrence.
Specialist teams
Our people are fully trained and have specialist equipment, meaning that we go into any situation to get the job done. With our years of experience, we have encountered just about every possible scenario and are highly skilled at making problems go away.
Reputation management
We are discreet, working to ensure that the eviction is undertaken with due care and consideration, avoiding conflict and reducing tension wherever possible, for those present and for your reputation management. We have a 100% safety record.
Control is an essential part of the way we work – on site, with an impartial, measured and disciplined approach, and in our operational planning and risk management preparation. We are the definitive provider of eviction services, large or small.