Fraud & scam advice

We are aware of scammers phoning members of the public, posing as High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEOs), Certificated Enforcement Agents
(CEAs) and County Court bailiffs.

During the calls, the fraudsters claim that the person owes money, and demands that they transfer funds into a bank account. Do NOT make any payment or give out
your bank details.

You should end the call and contact:

We may contact you by phone to discuss a warrant or writ of control and will offer to take debit or credit card payments or set up a direct debit over the phone.

However, we will never:

  • Telephone you to ask for your bank details (except when setting up an arrangement by direct debit)
  • Telephone you to ask you to make a bank transfer using your sort code and account number
  • If you believe you have been a victim of this scam you should report the matter to Action Fraud online or call 0300 123 2040.

The enforcement of writs of possession

A guide to the removal of activists, trespassers and travellers under a High Court writ of possession


The enforcement of writs of control

A guide to the recovery of debt under a High Court writ of control