Residential landlords and agents
New streamlined procedures that make it easier for landlords to use a High Court Enforcement Officer (HCEO) to evict residential tenants came into force on 23rd August 2020.
Read the full details here
If you are owed rent arrears for your residential property or need your tenant to vacate then you will need to follow the process of obtaining possession. Due to the lengthy waiting time for a county court bailiff, the High Court eviction route can offer a quicker alternative for you to regain vacant possession of your residential property.
There are four steps to residential eviction, you should seek reputable legal advice to ensure you are compliant with all legislation regarding residential property as it is complex and ever changing.
You will need to carry out the following steps:
- Prepare and personally serve a notice to end the tenancy agreement
- Issue possession proceedings at the county court
- Obtain a court order for possession in the County Court
- Obtain permission from the court to have the matter enforced in the High Court
- Obtain possession – eviction of the tenant
Before HCE Group can assist with eviction of your tenant, we need to know whether you have obtained a Possession Order and the court have given permission for the matter to be enforced in the High Court. If you haven’t obtained this then we can assist you with the transfer up paperwork so that we can evict the tenant.
The benefits of using High Court enforcement for residential possession
The benefits in using the High Court possession route are that the county court bailiffs have long waiting lists for residential possession work. As High Court Enforcement Officers we can act swiftly. This can be important if rental arrears are accumulating and there is a potential risk to the property being damaged by the tenant in situ.
You have obtained a possession order
If you have obtained an order for possession but did not within your claim form make an application under Section 42 County Court Act 1984, then High Court Enforcement Group can assist you with the completion of an application using form N244 or you can make this application yourself. If the Court grant permission, then High Court Enforcement Group can transfer the order through our transfer up centre and obtain a writ of possession which allows us to evict your tenant.
If you wish to instruct High Court Enforcement Group then please complete our online instruction form or contact us on 03330 031919.