Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR)

We understand the importance of maintaining cash flow through regular rent payments. When tenants fail to pay, recovering what you’re owed isn’t always easy, but CRAR - commercial rent arrears recovery - is designed to support commercial landlords recover rent arrears without the need to go to court to get an order or judgment.
Our CRAR service is fast and responsive, ensuring you receive the money you’re owed quickly and efficiently. The service is completely free (unless you instruct us to withdraw) as the tenant pays the costs of enforcement.
Our enforcement agents are fully trained in the complexities of Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery and always act in the landlord’s interests whilst striving to maintain the landlord-tenant relationship.
We will issue the notice of enforcement required under the regulations within 24 hours and often, depending on the timing of instruction, on the same day.
We have developed a CRAR infographic, shown here, which explains our approach. You are most welcome to use this in your marketing and social media (provided it is not amended without our agreement).
For more information on our CRAR services, please contact us.