It’s your right, as a landlord, to terminate a tenant’s lease if they breach their rent obligations.
If you hold the lease for a commercial premises our peaceful re-entry and commercial forfeiture service will enforce your right as a landlord to terminate a tenant’s lease (the lease must make specific provision to re-enter the premises for a breach of the covenant) if they have breached their rent obligations.
Instructing us to act on your behalf is easy. Check if the lease has a forfeiture of lease clause and the relevant period has elapsed (usually 21 days) then complete our forfeiture of lease online instruction form and leave the rest to us.
Alternatively, you can contact our team by phone or post:
Tel: 03330 031919
Vaughan Thomas House
141 Walter Road
Our professional peaceful re-entry and commercial forfeiture service gets results, fast.
Our Commercial and Eviction Services team will liaise with you throughout the process and advise you of an enforcement date.
We’ll prepare all the necessary notices, liaise with the police where appropriate and arrange for a locksmith to accompany our Enforcement Agents to your premises. We can also take an inventory of goods and assets together with photographic evidence, if requested.
For more information on our forfeiture of lease services call 03330 031919 and ask for our Commercial Services Team.
With HCE you’re in safe hands – instruct us online now.